Secure Off-line Shopping Using Fingerprint Biometric Approach

  • Manoj Kumar Vaddepalli, Adepu Rajesh, Nagendar Yamsani


Nowadays, all off-line purchases are happening by using mobile banking, scanning of QR codes, or by credit/debit card services. Most of these transactions need Smartphone and the consumers have to carry their Smartphone where ever they need to purchase the product off-line. The other option is to use hard cash to buy the product. In both the purchases, there is the possibility of theft towards the Smartphone or the wallet which contains private details and cash. To overcome the security threats in the existing schemes, a new approach is proposed to purchase products off-line at which no need to use Smartphone transaction services and wallets. Fingerprint-based biometric systems are gaining acceptance rapidly to avoid security threats. The approach uses a minutia encryption technique to strengthen the security and only a fingerprint image with a secure pin is sufficient to shop offline. It is supported by the bank database of the related consumers for the payment transactions. The security analysis shows that the encryption minutiae technique resists the attacks to a great extent.

How to Cite
Manoj Kumar Vaddepalli, Adepu Rajesh, Nagendar Yamsani. (2020). Secure Off-line Shopping Using Fingerprint Biometric Approach. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 8667-8673. Retrieved from