Feasibility for Adopting Feedback-based Adaptive Speedy TCP to Real-World Deployment Scenarios

  • Aniket Deshpande
  • Azad Kumar Shrivastava
  • Ashok Kaushal


The transmission control protocol (TCP) is one of the tools that are being used to enhance communications between individuals particularly in this era of technology and digitalization. TCP is used to perform a number of functions such as flow control, traffic congestion, and rate control that facilitate the flow of communications over internet networks. However, factors like node mobility, delays, as well as node and route failures have greatly affected the performance of TCP over network systems. As such, Feedback-based Adaptive Speedy Transmission Control Protocol (FAS-TCP) has been proposed as a tool that is aimed at enhancing performance of TCP over network systems. Most significantly, FAS-TCP offers a merit of addressing the aforementioned challenges so as to enhance performance of TCP in network systems. This paper discusses a few use cases for implementing FAS-TCP in real world scenarios like IoT.

How to Cite
Deshpande, A., Shrivastava, A. K., & Kaushal, A. (2019). Feasibility for Adopting Feedback-based Adaptive Speedy TCP to Real-World Deployment Scenarios. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 27, 326 - 332. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/187