The export potential of Uzbekistan with the use of innovative analytical tools

  • Sultanova L. SH, Adilov. B. B,Halmirzaev A. A.,Bekmuradov N. H.


This article investigates major points of the export potential of Uzbekistan with the use of innovative
analytical tools. In this article, research pinpoints feature of the methodology and theoretical points
of the Uzbekistan with the use of innovative analytical tools. In conclusion, it makes outcomes and
shortcomings of the issue export potential of Uzbekistan with the use of innovative analytical tools.

How to Cite
Sultanova L. SH, Adilov. B. B,Halmirzaev A. A.,Bekmuradov N. H. (2020). The export potential of Uzbekistan with the use of innovative analytical tools. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 5708-5717. Retrieved from