Detecting Phishing Websites Using Random Forest Technique

  • N Poojitha, B Sai Preetham, Dr. Dayanand Lal. N, M N Adithya, B.Bharath Kumar Reddy


Phishing is a process of attaining sensitive or familiar information from the users by attracting them through replicating websites. The major information that phishers attain from the user is user names and passwords. Phishing being the major internet security problem that targets human vulnerabilities. To overcome this, we used Random Forest Method from the machine learning precisely the supervised learning method. Because of its successful performance in the classification we have chosen the Random Forest Method. The emphasis is to find a higher performing classifier by examining phishing website features and choosing the best selection of them to develop the classifier.

How to Cite
N Poojitha, B Sai Preetham, Dr. Dayanand Lal. N, M N Adithya, B.Bharath Kumar Reddy. (2020). Detecting Phishing Websites Using Random Forest Technique. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 7817-7825. Retrieved from