Elliptic Curve Cryptography integrated with Multi-Authority CiphertextPolicy Attribute Based Encryption (ECC-MA-CPABE) for Data Security in Cloud Environment

  • G.K.Sandhia, Dr.S.V.Kasmir Raja


Cloud Computing provides various services through internet. Using cloud the information can be accessed remotely i.e., user need not be in specific location to access it. The use of data has grown exponentially, increasing the need for the data confidentiality. Cloud security comprises of policies, controls, procedures that protects the cloud based systems, data and infrastructure. Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption helps us to provide security in the cloud along with access control. Security of cloud depends on the cloud service provider. The security challenges can be withstand by deployment of efficient authentication and security model.Here we propose aElliptic Curve Cryptography with Multi-Authority Cipher Text Policy Attribute Based Encryption with (ECC-MA-CPABE) is most appropriate for cloud security since it has smaller key size, high security and less computation time.We applied security analysis and performance analysis to the system, the results showed that we can achieve greater protection for cloud data transmission.

How to Cite
G.K.Sandhia, Dr.S.V.Kasmir Raja. (2020). Elliptic Curve Cryptography integrated with Multi-Authority CiphertextPolicy Attribute Based Encryption (ECC-MA-CPABE) for Data Security in Cloud Environment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 7115-7129. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/18177