A Phenomenology Study of Young Lecturers in Higher Education: Journeys in Building Professional Identity

  • Johan Jang, Budi Hardiman, Rudy Pramono, Niko Sudibjo, Samuel Tanasjah Setiawan, Virza Utama Alamsyah


Lecturers are undoubtedly essential parts of higher education, especially young lecturers. However, research on the causes, effects, and efforts that these young lecturers are doing to face their challenges is also limited. Therefore, qualitative research in the form of phenomenology study on young lecturers is conducted to answer these problems. The aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive understanding based on their experiences. Data collected through interviews with young lecturers and students. The research resulted in recognition as the main challenge facing young lecturers. Causes of the challenge are internal characteristics of millennial and emerging adults and lack of external support through orientation, training, and human resource development programs. The effects of the challenge are the inability to move from autonomy towards interdependence and inability to develop mature relationships. Empirical evidence also found that young lecturers are using a reactive-responsive approach in handling the challenge.

How to Cite
Johan Jang, Budi Hardiman, Rudy Pramono, Niko Sudibjo, Samuel Tanasjah Setiawan, Virza Utama Alamsyah. (2020). A Phenomenology Study of Young Lecturers in Higher Education: Journeys in Building Professional Identity. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 7063-7075. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/18169