Dark Emotional Intelligence and Deviancy in Adolescents

  • Divya Dubey Soni Kewalramani Shubhra Sanyal


This article focuses on a very relevant and serious subject among adolescents i.e. Dark Emotional Intelligence. This article will discuss the less investigated area and it is also an attempt to understand how dark emotional intelligence works among deviant adolescents, causes manipulation and engage adolescents in a risky and thrill-seeking behaviour which lead him towards deviancy and in some circumstances cause delinquency and can even put an adolescent under child in conflict with law. The findings from the article recommended that school counsellors, teachers, parents should pay close attention to the behavior of the child before it escalates into heinous offences. His smartness, manipulation, his revengeful attitude in the class, his bullying behavior, constant lying to meet his/her needs should be assessed properly and intervene by experts at the right time.

How to Cite
Divya Dubey Soni Kewalramani Shubhra Sanyal. (2020). Dark Emotional Intelligence and Deviancy in Adolescents. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 5502 - 5506. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/18072