Materials to the Biology of the Turkestan White Stork - Ciconia Ciconia Asiatica in Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan

  • Mamashukurov A. U. , Zhabborov A. R.


The article provides materials on the distribution, nutrition, biology and protection of the Turkestan white stork in the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan. The dates of spring and autumn migrations are established, the nesting sites of white storks in this region are studied. In the Fergana Valley, white storks are found mainly in settlements, around rice fields, and sometimes in mountain zones. Currently, white storks most often nest on objects built by humans: poles of high voltage power lines (47,3%), poles of low voltage power lines (15,4%), telephone and telegraph poles (24,2%) and water towers (13,2%). The dates of nesting, laying and incubation of eggs, hatching of chicks and features of growth and development of chicks, as well as the importance of white storks in fish farms and electric grid enterprises are given.

How to Cite
Mamashukurov A. U. , Zhabborov A. R. (2020). Materials to the Biology of the Turkestan White Stork - Ciconia Ciconia Asiatica in Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 5340 - 5346. Retrieved from