Voting Behaviour of the Tea Tribe Community in Assam: Special Reference to Lok Sabha Election Of 2019
The term ‘voting behavior’ is not a new concept. In course of time the concept of voting behavior has acquired a new dimension as well as a broader comprehensive meaning. It is now treated as sub- field and considered to be a sub-area of political behavior. Voting behavior indicates a voter’s choices, preferences, alternatives, concerns, ideologies and the like during various elections. Tea tribe community is one of the most important ethnic groups of North-East India. In this paper, we examine and analyze the voting behavior of the tea tribe community of Assam. We have used field study method and both primary and secondary sources of data are used. This study is significant in the present day context in view of the emerging trends in the electoral politics in India in recent period.
Keywords: Election, Voting behavior, Tea-tribe community, Electoral politics.