Environmental Variables for Sustainable Industry Performance with the Green Marketing Mix: Preliminary Study
This preliminary study is to determine the relationship between the variable
Environmental Management System (EMS) and Pro-Environmental Behavior in hotel
industry players for Sustainable Industry Performance (SIP) with the 7Ps Green
Marketing Mix (GMM) as mediator. The pilot study was conducted at hotels in the city of
Bogor, Indonesia. The background of the research is based on the increasingly frequent
occurrence of environmental impacts due to the impact of tourism development. Hotel is
one of the main industries that support tourism needs to create internal and
environmental conditions in order to be able to do business sustainably. This initial
research is expected to be a reference conceptual scientific model for research with a
broader area or other fields related to the environment and the tourism sector. The results
of this initial research will be important for other research in the hotel industry and the
world of tourism with the aim of ensuring the sustainability of their business. The same
research variable, but different types of objects and research locations, will likely give
different results as well.