Analyzing the Impact of Treatment, Fumigation, and Biolarvicides Intervention on Malaria Control Program
Malaria is a disease caused by the protozoa parasite of the genus plasmodium and
transmitted through the bite of the female Anopheles sp. Here in this article, we construct
a compartmental epidemic model SIS-SI-B to describe the spread of malaria considering
three type of interventions, such as intervention of treatment, fumigation, and
biolarvicides. Equilibrium analysis and next-generation matrix approach conducted to
find the basic reproduction of the model. This analysis important to be done to understand
the long-time behavior of the interventions. Sensitivity analysis of ℛ0 shows that
intervention of fumigation is more effective to reduce ℛ0 which means can reduce the
number of infected individuals much better rather than treatment intervention. Numerical
simulation regarding the autonomous model for some scenarios are given to illustrate
possible scenario that might appear in the field