Multiplatform Mobile Robot as Robotics Technology Socialization Media
This study aims to develop a multiplatform robot that can be used as a medium to
socialize robotics technology among adolescents. This multi-platform robot is also
expected to help teens who are interested in robots to facilitate them in learning robotics
technology. The robot made is a wheeled robot with manual control using a controller
(manual transporter) and also automatic control using sensors (line follower and
automatic avoider). The research methodology used in this study is the 4D development
model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Based on the test result, the robot
runs accurately following the black or white lines and successfully moves items, for
automatic avoiders the robot can detect walls and follow the grooves of the wall at an
angle of 90 degrees, while for manual transporters the robot can be controlled using a
controller application on an Android-based smartphone developed with MIT APP
Inventor. In the dissemination stage, it is known that teenagers have a very high curiosity
and desire, 86% and 90%. However, their interest and readiness to learn is not as high
as their desire to master the robotics technology.