Redesigning Driver’s License Application Processes for Motorcycle in Indonesia (SIM-C): An IT-Based Process Architectural Approach in The Effort of Shortening the Process Time
Organizations nowadays constantly in search of brand-new management approaches
to increase their competition related to rapid changes and technological developments.
The same situation happens to government agencies in Indonesia, in this case, SATPAS
office which handles the application of a new driver’s license. When there was a leap of
motorcycle ownership that happened in Indonesia during the last 20 years, the request for
a motorcycle driver’s license or SIM-C has also increased dramatically. It is only
common to expect that chaos will come; long queues, long hours of waiting, unclear
documents, are amongst the list of complaints that have happened when one person goes
through the process of applying for SIM-C. This study attempts to minimize the
processing time using Business Process Redesign (BPR). Many believes that successful
BPR can result in an enormous reduction in cost or cycle time. It can also potentially
create substantial improvement in quality, customer service, or other organizational
objectives. The same situation and results have applied in this study. After using BPR with
an architectural approach and gap analysis, we managed to shorten the processing time
from 290 minutes or 4 hours 50 minutes to 228 minutes or 3 hours 48 minutes. There have
been an 11.94%-time effectiveness within the activities, 42.70% within the buffer, and
with a total of 21.38% for the whole process of activities and buffers. Lastly, we
visualized all the suggested solutions using a wireframe of both web and mobile-based IT
systems to create a clear reference for further studies.