Indonesian Music Emotion Recognition Using Rhythm and Timbre Features

  • Julius Bata, Dominikus Jarvis


This research aims to recognize and classify emotion in Indonesian music. Two types
of features were extracted: rhythm and timbre. These features are used to train a
classifier based on Support vector machines. The dataset used in this study consists of 115
Indonesian popular songs and divided into four emotion class: happy, sad, angry, and
relax, which derived from the Thayer’s emotion model. A series of experiments were
conducted with ten repetitions of 10-fold cross-validation and measured by accuracy. The
results show that timbre and rhythm are better for arousal classification than valence

How to Cite
Julius Bata, Dominikus Jarvis. (2020). Indonesian Music Emotion Recognition Using Rhythm and Timbre Features. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7s), 3220-3225. Retrieved from