Elaboration And Investigation Of Metrological Characteristics Of Semi-Conductor Sensor Of Methane

  • Ergashboy Abdurakhmanov, Khulkar Sidikova Gulomovna, Ilkhom Abdurakhmanov Ergashboyevich ,Nargiza Muminova Isatullayevna


Composition, ratio of components, technology of obtaining of nanocompositional films on the base of mixtures SiO2, ZnO and CoO have been optimized. On the base of elaborated gas-sensible material a high-selective semi-conductor sensor on methane was manufactured. Some metrological  and analytical characteristics of elaborated sensor in wide interval of changing of different parameters  have been investigated. Optimal parameters providing high-selectivity and expression of determination of natural gas in mixtures with others gases with using of elaborated semi-conductor sensor have been determined. On the base of carring out investigation it is possible to conclude that elaborated semi-conductor sensor has possessed by improvemental metrological and operational characteristics and can be used for continuous automatical control of methane content.

How to Cite
Ergashboy Abdurakhmanov, Khulkar Sidikova Gulomovna, Ilkhom Abdurakhmanov Ergashboyevich ,Nargiza Muminova Isatullayevna. (2020). Elaboration And Investigation Of Metrological Characteristics Of Semi-Conductor Sensor Of Methane . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 2058 - 2065. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/17466