Feature Extraction Algorithms for Speaker Recognition System and Fuzzy Logic
Speaker recognition is a technique used to identify a speaker by their voice. This
technology used towards speech features for creating speaker’s models and these models
used for recognizing speakers. Speech feature extraction is performed by using some
methods/algorithms and these known as feature extraction algorithms for speaker
recognition. In this paper speech feature extraction algorithms are discussed and
described with a comparative study. In addition, concept of fuzzy logic is discussed with
their uses in speaker recognition.
How to Cite
Nilu Singh, Nikhat Parveen, Prabhash Chandra. (2020). Feature Extraction Algorithms for Speaker Recognition System and Fuzzy Logic. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7s), 3068-3076. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/17383