Light Guidance for Easy Coagulation, Cutting and Desiccation in Surgical Diathermy
Electrocautery is a device which is a part of electrosurgical diathermy unit, which uses heat energy for
piercing a tissue and sealing a blood vessel. The electrocautery uses copper plate to convert the
alternating current into heat energy. The heat energy which is produced in electrocautery by alternating
current is unable to control. The heat energy is used to cut the anomalous tissue but it also affects the
normal tissue surrounding to it. There is no solution available for this problem in the recent development
of the electrocautery. To overcome this complication, thermostat is used to monitor the temperature level
of the electrode and it helps to control the range of the temperature. The thermostat is placed next to the
electrode for monitoring the accurate temperature. Yet at the time of using electrocautery surgeries inside
the human body it does not have proper light facility. Due to that doctors have to adjust the headlamp,
because of that, they are getting distracted from their work. To solve this issue a LED light is placed in
the electrocautery for providing the light facility at the time of doing operation deep inside the physical
structure. By bringing this remedy to these drawbacks there will be no burn marks in human body
because of the lateral thermal spread and the light facilities helps the doctors getting from distracted