An Imitating Wearable Kidney: A Dialectical Replacement For The Cumbersome Dialysis Procedure For Renal Failures
The project is determined to endeavor a device, which is a substitute for hemodialysis that
benefits the renal failure patient to enrich their life span. Renal failure is the ailment where the
functions of natural kidneys fail to meet up their desires like filtration, absorption, secretion and
excretion. In general the renal failure patients experience dialysis such as hemodialysis and
peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis is extensively used because of the downsides in the usage of
peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis procedure is done in hospitals to eradicate wastes from
blood to sustain their lives. Hemodialysis makes inopportune to the patient owing to visiting the
hospital twice a week and this could be astounded by using wearable dialysis. Wearable dialysis
works like hemodialysis that is portable, easy to handle and doesn’t involve any support from the
staffs. This contemporary technology which makes possible the progress of wearable dialysis is
intended in such a way to give efficacy results.