A Study On Digital Awareness, Usage/Adaption And Service Quality Of EBanking Among Customer Of Sbi Branches In Palakkad Town
E-banking system play an important role in the economic development of our society. The modern
technology usage enable the bankers to overcome the barriers of time and space by extending their
customers and hence reaching to them available at any time and usually. This paper is an attempt to study
the awareness, usage/adaption and service quality of e-banking among customers of SBI with special
reference to its customers in Palakkad Town. To make this study more authentic primary data is collected
from the respondents of SBI Palakkad town. The study helps to analysis on the evaluation of digital
awareness, the factors promote the customer’s adaption/usage of technology and measure the customer
satisfaction towards the quality of services provided by the SBI. The results show that most of the customers
are not a reasonable level of digital awareness regarding the E-banking services. In the Palakkad town
customers have significant difference in the priority of the usage/adaption, digital awareness of various ebanking technology offers of SBI. The customer satisfaction of service quality regarding E-banking services
of SBI Palakkad town branches among their Customers is at a moderate level.