A Study On Evaluation Of Capital Inflows In Indian Automobile Industry
The government policy on foreign direct investments in the auto industry in India has
increased the scope of industry which in turn resulted to 100% foreign direct investment.
International capital flows have significant advantages of economies around the world. A country
with a stable macroeconomic policy and a well-functioning institution capitalized on capital inflows
and risk mitigation. The benefits achieved by boosting FDI have created the most significant
competition in all free capital markets in the world to attract more foreign direct investment and
exchange. In this paper, studies are conducted on the Impact and Evaluation in four listed automobile
companies like, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Mahindra & Mahindra Motors Ltd., Tata motors Ltd and
Eicher motors Ltd. to comparison between capital inflows and financil stastics of four listed
automobile companies. To compare the baseline data of these four companies with descriptive
statistics, apply the Factor analysis uses 95% of importance and identify the factor names. The
resulting results have a good impact on the good meaning of 0,000 (p = .000), which is less than the
value of 0.05.