Public Services Of Indonesian Immigration Polytechnic Services
One of the duties of the Immigration Polytechnic is to hold (public services). To be able to provide good
and satisfying services to the community, the Immigration Polytechnic has long been determined to form
a clean and authoritative apparatus in carrying out its duties. In accordance with Law Number 6 of 2011
concerning Immigration, the Directorate General of Immigration is an element of the government that
has the task of regulating the traffic of people entering or leaving Indonesian territory as well as its
supervision in order to maintain the upholding of the country's sovereignty. The functions carried out by
the Directorate General of Immigration include immigration services, immigration law enforcement,
State security, and community welfare development facilitators. The study wants to reveal the
implementation of public services at the Immigration Polytechnic in order to support national
development and better service quality. Results of research First, the service process can provide good
service to citizens. Second, even though it took a long time to process the services provided, the provision
of services continued to run well. Third, there are some people who complain about the existence of
services that remain the input of the Immigration Polytechnic apparatus. Fourth, the implementation of
the Immigration Polytechnic's performance can be easily adapted despite changes related to the
implementation of new rules