The Influence Of Growing Media And Buds Source On Growth And Result Of Strawberries (Fragaria Ananassa Duchesne)

  • Ramli, Nur Hayati, Maya Lestari


The strawberry plant is one of the crops with high economical value that is potentially a source of economic income for farmers and foreign exchange of the country.  This plant is widely bred by layering which is the technique of taking the daughter plant or Stolon that is close to the crown.  At one Stolon usually appears 4 – 5 daughter plant, but the best used for seedlings is first and second stolon from the crown. The success of crop growth is not detached from planting media roles.  Media grows is one of the most important component in the environment factors in influencing the growth of strawberry plants because it provides of elements nutrients and air is beneficial as a provider of long-term nutrients for strawberry crops.

How to Cite
Ramli, Nur Hayati, Maya Lestari. (2020). The Influence Of Growing Media And Buds Source On Growth And Result Of Strawberries (Fragaria Ananassa Duchesne). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 4961 - 4967. Retrieved from