Conceptional Analysis Of Mass Violence Of Motorbike Robbery Modeling In Jakarta Indonesia
This study examines mass violence from the perspective of theory / concept and the offer of mass violence
model from a review of related theories and / or from existing concepts. The analysis will emphasize the
points of mass violence as a social mechanism used by the community to solve motorbike robbery
problems in Jakarta. While modeling is an offer of the researcher following the findings of this study
including the main issue of the findings, the presentation of the model form of the main findings, and how
the models work. The results showed that rejecting the assumptions built by behavioralist thought
(Behavioralist) which stated that the emergence of mass violence was caused by an inherent factor
(Biologist approach) from perpetrators of motorbike robbery; while stating that it is true that mass
violence arises due to the learning process of the perpetrators of macro social conditions.