The Review Of Castration Punishment For Pedophile In Islamic Law Perspective

  • Isnawati Rais, Hasani Ahmad Said


Pedophilia has become an international issue and is part of a sexual crime against children. Cases of sexual abuse against children that occur in Indonesia are increasing every year, so the government sets castration laws for pedophile offenders. The purpose of this study was to review castration law against pedophile from an Islamic perspective. The approach of this study was the reviewing of various literature relating to castration law against pedophiles in the perspective of Islamic law. We have succeeded in summarizing the findings of castration law for pedophiles in an Islamic perspective, including the following; First, castration punishment for pedophiles has been carried out in many European nations as non-Muslim communities and also some countries in Southeast Asia, but the punishment of pedophiles in Indonesia has received pros and cons responses from various walks of life both from Islamic scholars and Islamic leaders/ ulamas. Second, pedophile punishment, namely by castration on the perpetrators, is in fact contrary to Islamic law because it has eliminated the nature as a real man. Third, the punishment for pedophile crimes according to Islamic law derivation from the Qur'an and Hadith is stoning to death.

How to Cite
Isnawati Rais, Hasani Ahmad Said. (2020). The Review Of Castration Punishment For Pedophile In Islamic Law Perspective . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 4932 - 4937. Retrieved from