Failure To Fulfil Promises By Regional Head On Their Campaign In Bandung City West Java Indonesia
The contribution of local elections to the effort to create effective regional government lies in the
leadership factor, both political leadership and administrative leadership. Political leadership is the
ability to influence and convince others to support the proposed policy plan. The regional head must try
to get the support and approval of the DPRD for the proposed regional policy plan. DPRD support and
approval is not always easy to obtain. Does the head of the region apply transactional leadership to
obtain the support and approval of the DPRD, as applied in many areas or is it not influenced by two
factors. These two factors are the ability of the regional head's political leadership and / or composition
of the factions in the DPRD (how many DPRD seats are from the same political party as the regional
head's party). What is more important is that the elected regional head has to carry out campaign
promises as a regional program. This research was conducted in Bandung City with the results of the
research there is a campaign promise that has not been fulfilled, namely Metro Kapsul program, another
transportation project that has not been realized is 13 Trans Metro Bandung (TMB) routes that becomes
the hopes and aspirations of the people of Bandung City.