Public Service Motivation In State Civil Aparatures In Dki Jakarta Indonesia
This study is a field study and focuses on forming levels of motivation of State Civil Aparatures in DKI
Jakarta Indonesia in providing services to the society, as well as its influence on the perception of the
State Civil Aparatures about service achievements. In general, there are several factors considered to
have connections with the levels of motivation by the State Civil Aparatures in providing services to the
society. The levels of public service motivation which becomes the focus in this study generally have been
formulated, then made questionnaire before the study is conducted. The results of the study stated that
public service motivation in DKI Jakarta Indonesia is relatively good. Therefore, worker attitudes are
influenced by public service motivation which is reflected in the similarity of individual values with the
organization. Even more it is a fact that an important matter must be present in the civil service positively
influences the roles, responsibilities, job satisfaction, and commitment of public service organizations.
Keywords: public service motivation, PNS (State Civil Aparatures), DKI Jakarta