Hiding Financial Data In Bank Card Image Using Contrast Level Value And Text Encryption For Worthiness A Robust Steganography Method
Prevalently data concealment (steganography) has emerged as a trending research concern. It involved
the concealment of secret data through the method of embedment of inconspicuous covers in the form
of images and video to conceal its presence and concurrently keeping the standard of the visual intact.
Over the last ten years, researchers have introduced numerous steganographic methods, emphasizing
on the payload capacity and the quality of the image. Nevertheless, the two variables produce a
compromising situation, and to maintain the equilibrium between the two is problematic.
Additionally, the techniques in existence were unsuccessful in obtaining more superior security caused
by the embedment of secret data., which were inserted straight into the images minus the application of
an encrypted form of data, that enables intruders to easily detect and extract the concealed data. Hence,
the current research contains our recommendations for a more secure image steganographic
framework for credit/debit card, according to a Multilevel Security Contrast Level Value (MLS-CLV)
framework, where the confidential data of the clients undergo encryption, utilizing a new cryptography
technique termed as Segmentation Encryption Text Method (SETM).
Outcomes from the quantitative and qualitative experiments show the recommended framework of being
able to sustain a greater equilibrium between the quality of the image and security, obtaining an
acceptable payload with comparatively lower computational complicatedness, that reaffirms that it is
effective in comparison to alternative state –of –the -art methods.