World Experience of Stock Exchange Operations

  • Mexmonov Sultonali Umaraliyevich. Rahimov Akmal Matyaqubovich, Ikramov Mahmudjon Muhamedjanovich Razzoqov Habibulloh Ravshan og'li,


The article is devoted to the world experience of developing the securities market in today's globalization, the history of the stock market and the stock exchange, and the stages of its formation.

How to Cite
Mexmonov Sultonali Umaraliyevich. Rahimov Akmal Matyaqubovich, Ikramov Mahmudjon Muhamedjanovich Razzoqov Habibulloh Ravshan og’li,. (2020). World Experience of Stock Exchange Operations. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 4751 - 4753. Retrieved from