Problems of Food Security in Modern Conditions of Ukraine

  • Mysyuk Mykola, Zakhodym Maryna, Ievstafieva Yulia, Susharnyk Yaroslav, Misko Alla, Reznik Nadiia


The article deals with the problems of food security in today's conditions of Ukraine, as well as the need to solve them. The concept of food security through its components is defined. The components and principles of food security formation are considered. The basic dimensions of food security have been clarified. The national features of food security and its threats are explored. The process of resolving food security has been found to be quite complex and needs to be addressed quickly to fix it.

How to Cite
Mysyuk Mykola, Zakhodym Maryna, Ievstafieva Yulia, Susharnyk Yaroslav, Misko Alla, Reznik Nadiia. (2020). Problems of Food Security in Modern Conditions of Ukraine. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 4606 -4613. Retrieved from