The Structure Of Synflorescence Of Collection Samples Of Origanum Vulgare L. Under The Conditions Of The Submontane Area Of Crimea

  • Elena F. Myagkih, Natalya N. Petrishina, Alexander V. Mishnev , Vladimir S. Pashtetsky, Lyudmila A. Radchenko , Svetlana S. Babanina


Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea is engaged in selection activities aimed at creating new promising samples of agricultural plants. One of the objects of study is a valuable essential-oil and medicinal plant of the family Lamiaceae Martinov, which is Origanum vulgare L. (oregano). Inflorescence is the main source of essential oil with antimicrobial activity in this plant.  The modern classification of inflorescences uses the fundamental typology of W. Troll based on the concept of synflorescence. It was determined that the synflorescence of this species follows the general structural principle. However, some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the flower-bearing part of the annual shoot are different, which can significantly affect the morphology of the synflorescence of some plants. Therefore, the study of the structure of the inflorescence of O. vulgare, which is undoubtedly important when collecting raw materials for the production of essential oil, is of great interest. Given that the flower-bearing part of the annual shoot of O. vulgare can be large, the number, degree of development and formation of paracladia can help predict more productive samples in terms of the collection of raw materials. The goal of this research is to study the morphology of the flower-bearing part of the plant annual shoot of collection samples of O. vulgare.

How to Cite
Elena F. Myagkih, Natalya N. Petrishina, Alexander V. Mishnev , Vladimir S. Pashtetsky, Lyudmila A. Radchenko , Svetlana S. Babanina. (2020). The Structure Of Synflorescence Of Collection Samples Of Origanum Vulgare L. Under The Conditions Of The Submontane Area Of Crimea. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 1877 - 1887. Retrieved from