Power Transmission and Topology Controlled Module to Provide Energy Efficient Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Using Load Distribution Approach

  • L.R.Aravind Babu


The application of Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are used to improve the efficiency of energy and demands considerable, because of its higher level applications are being developed continuously and consistently. Even though the mobile nodes are dynamic, it suffers with two well identified constraints one processing capability and the other power supply which are limited.  The consumption of energy takes place mainly during the communication process between nodes.  The Transmission Power control (TPC) technique used to improve the efficiency in energy and also to adjust the transmission power in communication between nodes. Another approach is, distributing the loads within the network and also maintaining clusters in this uncertain network. Therefore, we investigate different effects of TPC on two load distribution approaches like Localized Energy Aware Routing (LEAR) and Conditional Max-Min Battery Capacity Routing (CMMBCR) protocols for MANETs, in a restricted customized environment by forming clusters within the nodes. This improves the network scalability and also decreases the probability of the network failure. This topology control focuses on the clustering of the nodes in a particular formation and communicates with the nodes according to the status of them in the clusters. The experimental results show a noticeable effect of TPC implementation technique on MANETs in respect to transmission energy consumption and packet received ratio at low node mobility.

How to Cite
L.R.Aravind Babu. (2020). Power Transmission and Topology Controlled Module to Provide Energy Efficient Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Using Load Distribution Approach. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 346 - 353. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/17021