Rapid Prototyping of Pulse Oximeter

  • Sachin Kumar, Rohit Kumar


Optical Pulse Oximetry is attainably the best development inmonitoring of patients. Heartbeat
Oximetry empowers oxygenation, a significant physiological variable that isn't appropriately
identified by clinical methods, to be observed ceaselessly and effectively [1]. Hypoxemia is generally
found in all parts of clinical practice and is a significant reason for organ damage and death. It ought
to be broadly accessible in market and utilized routinely in clinical practice both in essential care and
in medical clinic [2].A non-intrusive Arduino based optical heartbeat oximeter has been presented in
this research paper. The pulse oximeter comprises of a sensor and a Arduino based on
microcontroller.In this sensor based on photo transistor is utilized for the detection of pulse wave's,
and micro-controller-based Arduino is utilized to analyze the pulse wave to formulate the oxygen
saturation (SaO2). The outcomes are shown on a light emitter diode. A reflectance pulse oximeter has
been designed in this research paper which incorporates 2Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), in which
one in the noticeable red range of spectrum (660nm) and the second one is in the infrared range of
spectrum(890nm) [12] [13].The saturation of oxygenis determined by the assistance of power from
everylight frequency after that it reflects back through the tissue of the body. The pulse oximeter
utilizes the ARDUINO as microcontroller, which is having ultra-low ability of power, so that the
system's power utilization is low [3].

How to Cite
Sachin Kumar, Rohit Kumar. (2020). Rapid Prototyping of Pulse Oximeter. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 2132-2137. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/16824