Differential Data Dissemination Algorithm for Static Heterogeneous Clustered WSNs

  • Khushal Thakur, Anshul Sharma, Shaurya Vats


Dynamic Clustering gives significant improvement in lifetime (First Node Dying), load balancing.
However, re-election of cluster head incorporates a lot of overheads & hence a lot of energy is
wasted as well. Whereas in static clustering protocol the cluster head need not be re-elected over &
over again & hence minimize wastage of energy, thereby improving the lifetime. Additionally, the fact
that in a static clustering the cluster heads are not going to change, which also means that cluster
members always transmit sensed data to their cluster head for rest of lifetime, can be used to
advantage. The CH may assign IDs to its cluster members, store it & whenever a node has data to
transmit, it will use its ID to reveal itself. Now, initially the nodes send the sensed vlues to their
respective CH (for the first time only), but after that the increment or decrement in sensed value can
be sent. Since the CH has their previously sensed data stored against their ID. This approach can
cause significantly great improvement in lifetime since no. of bits that need to be transmitted is very
less. Additionally, if a homogeneous WSN is considered, the lifetime of CH will be very less, so it
makes sense to add to the capabilities of the CH e.g. greater lifetime, greater memory, and greater
processing capabilities. We show in this manuscript that the Differential Data Dissemination along
with Static Heterogeneous clustering delivers substantial lifetime improvement.

How to Cite
Khushal Thakur, Anshul Sharma, Shaurya Vats. (2020). Differential Data Dissemination Algorithm for Static Heterogeneous Clustered WSNs. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 2063-2071. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/16814