Study On Deformation Properties: Influence Of Granite And Fly Ash Particles In AZ91E Matrix Composites Fabricated By Stir Casting Technique
A complete experimental investigation on workability behaviour of the AZ91E-Granite-Fly Ash has been carried out during cold upsetting. The preforms are made by taking the magnesium alloy AZ91E and filling the Granite and fly ash reinforcement particles at different wight percentages (0,5 and 10) using a stir casting method. The casting preforms are machined using conventional lathe machine and different aspect ratios (H/D 1.0 & 1.5) of solid samples are prepared. These samples are tested on UTM and found mechanical compressive propertieslikeMax Compressive Strength (MPa), Max Compressive Strain and Youngs Modulus (MPa).The K and n values are increased for the composites compare to the base material AZ91E. For aspect ratios 1.0 and 1.5 samples of 10wt.% of MMC having good plastic flow compare to the other material samples. The true stress- strain curves are having low values compare to the engineering stress strain curves because the instantaneous area gives the correct nature of the material behaviour. Mostly the base metal AZ91E and composite are brittle nature only in the compression test gives the actual metal flow analysis compare to the tension test. The axial, compressive and hydro static stress are found using standard analytical equations and same results are validated in ANSYS software, the analytical and ANSYS results are matched very closely. The strength co efficient and strain hardening exponent tell the plastic behaviour of the fabricated performs