Smart Face Sketch Recognition Using Computer Vision And CNN Model
Each individual has specific identity, which can be identified through faces. This system is based on two techniques – Face detection and Face recognition. This process is performed to detect the faces using inbuilt camera inside room and Face recognition is execute on live obtained images to detect whether the required faces are present in the captured video or not. The system first detects the face and compared with dataset to recognize the face. Face recognition task is to identify the individual face from captured multiple faces. After separation of face, it will check with stored image properties. A face recognition system is done with help of biometric data processs; its applicability is available on fingerprint scanning, signature, etc. We proposed deep learning algorithm Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), used for image identification and classification purpose. Face recognition system plays a vital role in recognizing the faces then to perform some real time computation in the system. It is mainly used in the biometric system. These systems have higher accuracy compared to traditional techniques.