An Empirical Study on the Impact Of Supply Chain Practices And Supplier Selection On Business Performance Using SEM Approach
Main notion behind the study of the researcher is to find out the effectiveness of various criteria’s adopted by the textile industries to improve their organizational performance and want to know their efforts. Beer distribution game clearly illustrated how important the supply chain, even for the small group on various channels from manufacturer to end user. The principal objective of this research paper is to empirically prove the likely theme, by taking Textile mills in the select districts of Tamilnadu, since India is the leading supplier in the global market. Samples of 137 textile industries were taken for the research. The latent variables of SSP, SNR, OR, IC, and CR stated variables are inversely correlated to the prevailing practices of textile mills. The mediating variables route of IS->CR, LR->OS, LR->SSP are negatively associated to the existing supply chain practices, which was tested through Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach. The outcome of the study exposed that the investigated hypotheses are statistically significant relations between the variables, which displays that there is an association between latent variables and organizational performance.