Support Vector Machine Based Automatic Licence Plate Recognition System
In India automobile industries are rising tremendously. As a result of increase in the numbers of
vehiclesthere are more road accidents. There is also the problem of traffic management, elongated
waiting at toll counters and parking area is also a major issues. Automatic licence plate recognition
systems can solve the problem of traffic control and elongatedwaiting queues. A Support Vector
Machine based Automatic Licence Plate Recognition Systems is implemented in the work. To test and
implement this system, Indian vehicle images has been used. First of all the licence plate image is
extracted from the vehicle image and after that the characters are segmented and then finally, features
are extracted from the segmented characters which are used for the recognition. The recognition rate
obtained for the applied support vector machine based technique is 93.8%. In future its performance
can be improved by usings the hybrid technique solution to the problem.