A Broad Study on Virtual Machine Energy Efficient Techniques of Cloud Computing

  • M.Amarendhar Reddy, K.Ravindranath


The development of the cloud computing was based on the virtualization technologies that can evolved with the high level opportunities by investing very low cost on the infrastructure. The virtualization in the cloud can save the cost for all the hardware and the servers. The data can be stored in the virtual servers which are affordable. The wastage of the electricity and the maintenance cost can be gradually reduced. There are many data centers in the cloud with different servers that will hosting variable virtual machines in different condition and examples. This may leads to the resource disproportion. Here in this paper a survey was undergone on the concept of the virtualization technologies under cloud environment with virtual machine migration, placement and efficient selection of the cloud services. This comprehensive study can reveal different virtual machines techniques and an algorithm presented by the research experts belongs to this area.

 Keywords: Cloud computing, Virtualization technologies, migration and placement and cloud services.

How to Cite
M.Amarendhar Reddy, K.Ravindranath. (2020). A Broad Study on Virtual Machine Energy Efficient Techniques of Cloud Computing. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 4063 - 4068. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/16407