Strict Compliance with Legislative Requirements is an Important Factor in the Fight against Corruption (as an example of an analysis of transport legislation)

  • Qunduz Rozimova, Ulugbek Aloev


This article explores the norms that can lead to corruption based on the analysis of the current legislation, the implementation of the orders and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the prevention and response of corruption as well as proposals and recommendations for further improvement of the transport industry, the causes and conditions of corruption.

Keywords: corruption, transport industry.

How to Cite
Qunduz Rozimova, Ulugbek Aloev. (2020). Strict Compliance with Legislative Requirements is an Important Factor in the Fight against Corruption (as an example of an analysis of transport legislation). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 6541 - 6548. Retrieved from