The Association of Knowledge, Trust, Motivation, and Perceived Benefit with Purchase Behaviour: A Case of P3 Sweetener
industry. Regrettably, most communities have yet to adopt such an advancement in
technology due to a lack of interest, engagement, and awareness. This has led to poor
knowledge on the matter. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship
between knowledge, trust, perceived benefit, and motivation with purchase behaviour. In
this study, P3 Sweetener was used to represent nanofood products. A quantitative survey
was conducted to gather 365 responses from respondents in Johor based on a purposive
sampling plan (homogeneous sampling)
How to Cite
Mohamad Aidil Hasim , Juhaini Jabar, Murzidah Ahmad Murad , Nor Fauziana Ibrahim and Nornazirah Nazir Ali. (2020). The Association of Knowledge, Trust, Motivation, and Perceived Benefit with Purchase Behaviour: A Case of P3 Sweetener. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(6s), 2877 - 2884. Retrieved from