Oral Health and Gingival Status of Children with Autism in Bandung City, Indonesia

  • Agus Susanto , Siti Sopiatin and Inne Suherna Sasmita


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by social interaction and
communication disorders, behavioural disorders and general sensory sensitivities. This study
was aimed to describe oral hygiene and gingival conditions in children with autism in Bandung
city. An observational study was conducted towards 20 subjects consisted of 16 males and 4
females. Research subjects were children with autism who were students at the Prananda
Autism Education Institute, Bandung City, Indonesia. The measurement of the state of oral
hygiene was carried out by Silness-Löe plaque index, and gingival condition was based on the
Löe and Silness gingival index. The average level of oral hygiene and the gingival index were
1.66 ± 0.81 and 1.48 ± 0.72, respectively. Excellent oral hygiene state was found in 1 individual
(5%), the good state in 4 individuals (20%), the fair state in 10 individuals (50%), and the poor
state were found in as many as 5 individuals (25%). The gingival condition was found in the
healthy state in 1 individual (5%), mild gingivitis in 6 individuals (30%), moderate gingivitis
in 11 individuals (55%), and 2 individuals (10%) were found of having severe gingivitis. The
oral hygiene level of children with autism is generally in the fair category, and their gingival
condition is found in the state of moderate gingivitis.

How to Cite
Agus Susanto , Siti Sopiatin and Inne Suherna Sasmita. (2020). Oral Health and Gingival Status of Children with Autism in Bandung City, Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 4025 - 4030. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/15766