The Role of KKNI Curriculum in Supporting the Development of Education at the LPTK UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
The Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) is a national educational
curriculum dedicated to improving the quality and the competitiveness of human
resources in Indonesia through a good education system, a good national job training
system, and the consistency of learning outcomes. The KKNI-based curriculum is a
curriculum that is used to measure the effectiveness of a study program based on learning
outcomes and to create qualified and certified graduates. This study aims to zoom in on
the prospects and the readiness of the LPTK at State Islamic Universities (PTKIN) in
Indonesia to implement the KKNI-based curriculum. This research is qualitative using
social phenomenological and humanism approaches. The data collection technique used
is triangulation. The data is analyzed using Milles and Huberman’s techniques. The
research took place at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta. The results
show that the educational system implemented at the LPTK of these PTKIN is working
well, dynamic, and active. Each institution has its distinct characteristics which result in
differing management patterns. It was also due to the difference in the institution's legal
standings or in the kind of Higher Education Statutes adopted. Having analyzed it can be
concluded that LPTK UIN Sunan Kalijaga is ready to integrate KKNI into their
educational agenda.