Counterproductive Behaviors Among Indonesian Students

  • Ahmad Muhammad Diponegoro , Erita Yuliasesti Diah Sari and Khoiruddin Bashor


Counterproductive behaviors have predominantly been investigated at work and in
Western countries. This study took a broader perspective with respect to
counterproductive academic behavior among Indonesian students. CAB is a major
problem in educational institutions throughout the worlds. One of the reasons students do
CAB is because it can enhance their happiness or pleasure and please certain parties. But
unfortunately it does more harms to more parties. CAB consist of different kinds of
behavior, (i.e., cheating, plagiarism, play truant, absenteeism, plagiarism, deception),
breaking rules, breach / break of rules, low in effort, and misuse of resources) misusing
resources. A sample of 453 Indonesian students from several academic institutions
reported on their frequencies of their counterproductive academic behavior (CAB). The
measurement of CAB using a scale of 20 questions with two responses: Yes and No.
Descriptive analyses was administered to understand the data. Result showed that from
453 participants just 26 students wrote never practice counterproductive academic
behavior. Conclusion: the religious values and moral values that are taught in
universities and schools has not been internalized properly.

How to Cite
Ahmad Muhammad Diponegoro , Erita Yuliasesti Diah Sari and Khoiruddin Bashor. (2020). Counterproductive Behaviors Among Indonesian Students. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 4003 - 4010. Retrieved from