CSRR Inspired 1 x2 Metamaterial MIMO Antennafor X- Band Application

  • S. Prasad Jones Christydass, N.Gunavathi


In this research, two CSRR Metamaterial etched circular patch antenna with defected ground structure is proposed for X band application. The entire structureis designed with the substrate thickness of 0.51mm using FR4 substrate. The MIMO antenna is designed on the substrate with 50mm as its width and 24 mm as its length.  The proposed antenna is having its resonating operating frequency band from 2.01GHz to 2.15 GHz, 7.83 GHz to 8.52 GHz, 9.91 GHz to 10.01 GHz, 11.21 GHz to 12.84 GHz.The MIMO antenna is simulatedusing the CST electromagnetic software. The Simulated outputs are presented and all the results prove that the proposed structure is capable to use for the X band application.

How to Cite
S. Prasad Jones Christydass, N.Gunavathi. (2020). CSRR Inspired 1 x2 Metamaterial MIMO Antennafor X- Band Application. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 5880 - 5888. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/15560