Measurement of Phonemic Distances and its Applications

  • Akella Amarendra Babu , M.Venkata Rao, Meka Anuradha, ,Dr.P.Santosh Kumar Patra


Measurement of sound distance between a pair of spoken words is a critical requirement in pronunciation recognition systems. In this paper, we present a new methodology to measure the distance between the words and pronunciations. The phonemic distance is used as the distortion measure. Inter-pronunciation phonemic distances are measured using dynamic phone warping algorithm. The data sets are taken from TIMIT, NTIMIT databases. The results have shown a significant improvement in identifying various pronunciation variations

How to Cite
Akella Amarendra Babu , M.Venkata Rao, Meka Anuradha, ,Dr.P.Santosh Kumar Patra. (2020). Measurement of Phonemic Distances and its Applications. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 2669 - 2674. Retrieved from