Electro Encephalogram (Eeg) Recording Systems And The Signal Processing Techniques: A Review

  • B.V.V.S.R.K.K.Pavan. ,Dr. P.Esther Rani


Electro Encephalo Gram (EEG), a monitoring model to record the electrical activity of brain is generally non-invasive with placement of electrodes along the scalp. Artifacts are the unwanted signals recorded by the EEG which are not generated by the brain. These artifacts replicates or mimics the true epileptiform abnormalities or seizures. This abnormality may lead to false data analysis. Hence it is important to distinguish artifacts from the electrical activity of brain. Designaling an artifact-free EEG recording system is a tough task since the recorded EEG data is processed for the removal of artifacts and noise lines. This paper surveys a number of methods employed for pre-processing the EEG data, removal of artifacts, and several other EEG recording setups. This paper states merits and demerits of methods handled for signal processing. In addition to this, observations on all the methods discussed in the literature are provided.

How to Cite
B.V.V.S.R.K.K.Pavan. ,Dr. P.Esther Rani. (2020). Electro Encephalogram (Eeg) Recording Systems And The Signal Processing Techniques: A Review. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 1272 - 1281. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/15120