A Study on Communication Skills in English among the Higher Secondary Level Students at Sivaganga Educational District
English today inhabits a significant place in our educational structure but learned unnaturally. Civilization and culture could not be widespread and transmitted to succeeding generations until there was a printed language. Though Information Technology has revolutionized the field of education especially English language learning, there is no substitute for a good teacher. The investigatortakesimplemented the normative survey method to the research work. The populace for the current study is the higher secondary school scholars studying in schools in Sivagangaeducational districts in the State of Tamil Nadu. The investigator hand-me-down simple random sampling technique. The sample consisted of 200 higher secondary school students. The investigator has used a standardized tool for Communication Skills.There is no major difference among Urban, Semi-Urban, Rural school learners in their Communication Skills in English at the higher secondary level.
Keywords: Communication skills, English, etc.