Project Time Performance Upgrade by BIM 4D and Critical Chain Project Management Implementation on Waste Water Treatment Construction Project

  • Bernadette Detty Kussumardianadewi


The city and industrial waste water management has been a worldwide ongoing issue. Countries with high earning have only managed to process 70% of their waste water, with medium to high earning countries (including Indonesia) managed 38%, while medium to low earning countries managed 28%. Low earning countries could only manage 8% waste water processing. Another worldwide issue is that the construction of waste water treatment plant experiences an average of 20% delay. This problem should be solved quickly to resolve the low capacity of waste water management, leading to prolonged adverse effects to the environment.

In order to overcome the delay on the construction of the waste water treatment plant, this study proposed a method of supply chain management and 4D Building Information Modeling (BIM). The implementation of the combined method should give positive advantages in combating the project delay.

The result of the analysis stated that the most influential factors on the implementation of critical chain project management and BIM 4D on the waste water treatment plant project were done by using RII. There are 10 most influential factors, which includes : on time performance, scheduling accuracy, faster completion time, project time minimization, effective team communication and coordination, understanding of the work phase, critical chain, project buffer, feeder buffer, simulation, and scheduling visualization.

Keywords: waste water treatment plant, critical chain project management, BIM 4D, relative importance index would.

How to Cite
Bernadette Detty Kussumardianadewi. (2020). Project Time Performance Upgrade by BIM 4D and Critical Chain Project Management Implementation on Waste Water Treatment Construction Project. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 5768 - 5777. Retrieved from