Disease Predicting Infectious using Machine Learning and Big Data

  • S. Ramya, Dr.G. Vishnu Murthy


Nowadays, the use of Big Data is growing in bioscience and human organizations, social events, early infection revelation, Patient care, communal services. Partitioned therapeutic facts reduce examination exactness. The Machine learning tests are proposed for compelling need for endless infection. The Korea Center for Disease Control (KCDC) works a scrutiny device towards constrain overwhelming infections. This examination predicts overwhelming illnesses by way of improving the parameters of massive studying computations at the same time as considering wonderful records which includes web based lifestyles records. To pound the hassle of lacking statistics, inherent estimation can be utilized to recollect misplaced data. In a proposed structure, it gives Machine learning figuring’s to convincing gauge of various infectious diseases such as of the deep neural framework (DNN) and Ordinary least Square technique.It is used for classifying the high risk disease predictions.

How to Cite
Dr.G. Vishnu Murthy, S. R. (2019). Disease Predicting Infectious using Machine Learning and Big Data. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(14), 200 - 206. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/1479