Validity Assessment of Technology Readiness Index Using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Nomology Analysis: Perspective from Academician for Education 4.0 Tools
Technology usage in Education 4.0 is highly influenced by Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0)
where the cyber-physical system, Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet system are adopted.
This phenomenon changes the teaching and learning (T&L) delivery methods. In alignment with
the changes in T&L delivery methods, academicians must prepare themselves with available
tools that support education 4.0. Although most higher education institutions and the player in
the industry provide a lot of platforms and tools that support the education 4.0, readiness of the
academicians is important to make sure that the facility provided are being fully utilized. Hence
the need to measure academicians’ readiness in using the technology to ensure the
implementation of education 4.0 can be achieved successfully. For this purpose, we need an
evaluated and validated instrument to be used in measuring Technology Readiness Index (TRI).
To achieve this, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Nomology Analysis are used for
evaluation and validation of the TRI instrument adopted from previous studies that has been
tested in different population group (non-academician). The EFA of this study on 19 items
resulted in construction of five dimensions namely Optimism (Cronbach’s Alpha = .918),
Innovative (Cronbach’s Alpha = .924), Acceptance (Cronbach’s Alpha = .900), Discomfort
(Cronbach’s Alpha = .696) and Insecurity (Cronbach’s Alpha = .745). The correlation analysis
indicates that, all the bivariate relationship among the components were significantly correlated
at least 95% confidence level. From this analysis, the result shows that the instrument can be
considered valid and reliable. This research can be further extended to measure academician
readiness for Education 4.0 tools after confirmatory analysis